Hallite T605

605 – easy installation and excellent low temperature performance rod seal

Characteristics and performance

This asymmetric rod seal is designed with precision trimmed sealing lips to provide a dry sealing solution in light and medium-duty applications. The seal can be considered for use in heavy-duty applications when used with a suitable full depth back-up ring. The sealing lips are precision trimmed at an angle to give optimal rod sealing performance.

The Hallite 605 is designed to have interference in the seal housing groove and has a secondary lip. The secondary sealing lip located behind the primary sealing lip improves stability of the seal in the gland. The inner dynamic lip is shorter and more robust to improving sealing and compression set characteristics over conventional, symmetrical U-rings.

The Hallite 605 twin lip, asymmetric rod seal is designed with precision
trimmed sealing lips to provide a dry sealing solution in light and medium-duty
applications. The seal can be considered for use in heavy-duty applications when
used with a suitable full depth back-up ring. The sealing lips are precision trimmed
at an angle to give optimal rod sealing performance.
The range covers most standard housings used in Europe, North America and Asia.
The Hallite 605 is designed to have interference in the seal housing groove and
has a secondary lip. The secondary sealing lip located behind the primary sealing
lip improves stability of the seal in the gland. The inner dynamic lip is shorter
and more robust to improving sealing and compression set characteristics over
conventional, symmetrical U-rings.
The Hallite 605 is moulded in Hythane® 181, Hallite’s high-performance
polyurethane, for easy installation and excellent low temperature performance.

• General purpose rod seal
• Robust design
• Excellent wear resistance
• Increase seal stability
• Performs well over wide temperature range and is extremely effective in low temperatures
• Primary lip protection
• Easy to install

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