

Piston - Rod Sealing Elements

  1. Hallite 54

    Hallite 54

    Hallite 54

    ความดัน :             350 Bar

    อุณหภูมิ :              -30 ถึง 100 OC

    ความเร็ว :             4.0 m/s


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    • -               มีขีดความเร็วสูงสุด สูง
    • -               ทำให้การออกแบบลูกสูบมีการใช้พื้นที่น้อย
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  2. Hallite 53

    Hallite 53

    Hallite 53

    ความดัน : 500Bar

    อุณหภูมิ : -30 ถึง 100 OC

    ความเร็ว : 0.5 m/s


    • - เป็นการออกแบบ ที่ได้รับการยอมรับเป็นอย่างดี
    • - มีอายุการใช้งานที่ยาวนาน

    สั่งซื้อ Online -->

    สอบถามเพิ่มเติมบริษัท อีโคซีล จำกัด สำนักงานใหญ่

    โทร : +662 931-6868-71,+662 931-7647-49

    อีเมล์: [email protected]

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  3. Hallite 511 ROD/PISTON SEAL Single-Acting TPU/TPE with O-Ring Energizer

    Hallite 511 ROD/PISTON SEAL Single-Acting TPU/TPE with O-Ring Energizer

    The Hallite 511 is a standard profile loaded U-cup with precision trimmed sealing lips manufactured in either a polyurethane or polyester shell energised by a high quality O-ring and designed for common North American square grooves. At zero or low pressure, the O-ring helps to increase the sealing force preventing any bypass. Under most conditions as the pressure rises, the sealing force increases and the O-ring ensures complete lip actuation.

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  4. Hallite 512 ROD/PISTON SEAL Single-Acting TPU/TPE with O-Ring Energizer

    Hallite 512 ROD/PISTON SEAL Single-Acting TPU/TPE with O-Ring Energizer

    The Hallite 512 is a standard profile loaded U-cup with precision trimmed sealing lips manufactured in either a polyurethane or polyester shell energised by a high quality O-ring and designed for common North American grooves. The precision
    trimmed sealing lips ensure optimum sealing action. The deep profile of the Hallite 512 provides extra stability needed to resist rolling in the groove. Together these features result in improved life and sealing

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  5. Hallite 513 ROD/PISTON SEAL Single-Acting TPU/TPE with O-Ring Energizer

    Hallite 513 ROD/PISTON SEAL Single-Acting TPU/TPE with O-Ring Energizer

    The Hallite 513 is a standard profile loaded U-cup with precision trimmed sealing lips manufactured in either a polyurethane or polyester shell energised by a high quality O-ring and designed for common North American grooves. The sealing lips are trimmed at an angle to give optimal rod sealing performance. In most cases, the deep profile of the Hallite 513 provides extra stability needed to resist rolling in the groove. Together these features result in improved life and sealing.

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  6. Hydraulic Piston - Rod Seal K36

    Hydraulic Piston - Rod Seal K36

    K36 is a single acting piston - rod seal which consists of reinforced cotton fabric and nitrile rubber vulcanized together forming an integral sealing element.

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  7. Hydraulic Piston Sealing Elements / K16

    Hydraulic Piston Sealing Elements / K16

    K16 is a three piece double acting compact seal which consistsof one fabric reinforced elastomeric sealing element andtwo thermoplastic guide back-up rings.

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  8. Hydraulic Piston - Rod Sealing Elements / K21

    Hydraulic Piston - Rod Sealing Elements / K21

    K21 is a single acting piston - rod seal and designed to have symmetrical lips in order to be used both for rod and piston applications.


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